NEXX Retail ERP centralizes Rubis Store’s inventory, pricing, and reporting across 80+ branches

NEXX Retail ERP – Rubis operated multiple convenience stores managed by individual dealers, leading to a lack of centralized data management. Daily reports from various locations were received via mobile phones, resulting in inefficiencies and inaccurate stock levels and valuations. This hindered the company’s expansion efforts, as reliable data was crucial for decision-making regarding profitability and market landscape assessment.

To address these challenges, Rubis implemented NEXX Retail ERP, a comprehensive solution from CompuLynx. NEXX Retail ERP streamlined inventory and pricing management, centralized report generation, and introduced dashboards and analytics for informed decision-making. It provided remote access capabilities, crucial for managing an expanding network of over 80 branches.

Customer Success: With NEXX in place, Rubis experienced significant improvements in operational efficiency and decision-making. The system facilitated centralized inventory and pricing management, ensuring accurate stock levels and tailored pricing for each location. Real-time reporting and analytics simplified decision-making processes, enabling timely interventions when needed. The streamlined operations supported Rubis’s expansion without increasing management complexities, demonstrating the system’s scalability and effectiveness in managing a growing network of convenience stores.

The implementation of CompuLynx’s NEXX system has empowered Rubis to overcome their data management challenges, streamline operations, and support their expansion goals, ultimately enhancing their competitiveness in the convenience store market.

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